Sunday, December 23, 2012


Images Via; Il Etait Un Fois, AfterDrk, They All Hate Us, Snob Fashion, Give Me Givenchy

Well it's that time of the year... yep, all diets go out the window, we try to smuggle that last piece of chrissy pudding in our already over loaded bellies, and drink that little bit too much. It's also that perfect time of the year when the Adelaide weather is that perfect kind of scorching, and laying in the sun at the beach or pool is the only reasonable thing to do. Physical activity includes plastering on the reef oil and tensing those tummy muscles when you can feel the sun burn on your skin. That my friend, is complete and utter relaxation and happiness. 

I don't know about you, but over the next week at least ill be enduring just that! Saying this, my beautiful lovers, I will believe this might be my last post of 2012! It's a busy week ahead, filled with Christmas, my 21st birthday, new years, a shit load of eating, and of course waving my little 18 year old brother goodbye as he takes on the US of A next Tuesday to attend college for 4 years. Might I add, the moment he steps foot on that plane myself, along with my hopeless mumma and papa will be a crying mess! 

I hope you all continue along this journey with me into 2013. I am quite convinced that it will be an amazing year. A year filled with much health, happiness and laughter- because really, what else matters?

I'll be seeing all of you on the flip side.

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